What Is Heavens Like?
God, what is heaven like? Can you tell me? Of course! My heavens are multiple and you can say they are like your five or seven star hotels. What? I >>
God, what is heaven like? Can you tell me? Of course! My heavens are multiple and you can say they are like your five or seven star hotels. What? I >>
God, I had such a disturbed night. I couldn't sleep a wink. Ha, ha! You really think so? Why are you laughing? I really was awake the whole night. What >>
Hey man, why can you not have faith in me? Dear God! I do trust you and have faith in you. But most of the times you fail me, so >>
Dear God, I was wanting to talk to you last week but I had no time then. Wish you were on some chat-app! So today, you are free, I guess. >>
God, I want to know whom will you run to help? Well, what is the issue? What happened now? Between the two of us, we have lots of our own >>
God, I want to know about possessiveness and love. Are they same? Oh, there you are. Not to be seen nowadays. Very busy man. I see you have found a >>
Why does man commit the same mistake again and again? God! Why doesn't he learn? You tell me! Isn't it the same question you ask me every now and then? >>
God, I think I am responsible for making that person lazy. What should I do? You are not responsible dear girl! Why are you taking the onus on yourself? It >>
Oh God, I am so tired. I really have no time to do anything. You are a very busy young woman! I wish I had four hands and more hours >>
God, why are animals getting ill treated the last few weeks? What animals? I thought that was such a regular issue? I mean that gorilla getting shot in a US >>
What will happen to countries where the population is getting older by the day, God? Oh, they will continue the way the whole world continues. You mean to say they >>
Why are so many people bothered and upset about climate change? Aren't you responsible for the climate, God? No way! I am not responsible for it. You all are responsible >>