Be Somebody Before You Become A Nobody
We have been given this life to do something with it. What do we do? Waste the entire life, working for others, becoming slaves of our family, company and society! >>
We have been given this life to do something with it. What do we do? Waste the entire life, working for others, becoming slaves of our family, company and society! >>
Every job is important and should be given equal weightage. Be it the soldiers on the fronts or policemen on city duties, IT professionals or the humble clerks in banks, >>
Even though Krsna was considered to be the epitome of detachment and dispassion, He put everything in His endeavors. Be it relationships or jobs which required His complete attention. He >>
Every aspect of life comes in twos! With victory comes defeat, with joy comes sadness and with tranquility comes anger! Just as you cannot have a coin with a single >>
The revelation of truth is momentary and you are otherwise not alert to it. Falsehood remains always and changes every moment with its different hues. Have you noticed an imaginary >>
When the sages move towards enlightenment, God feels good about it. He hopes there are now a few who would lessen His burden of running this world. He hopes that >>
Sometimes humility is misjudged as subservience and silence as defeat. The wise sage works that way. Not drawing attention to themselves, yet serving others without any ulterior motive. They do >>
Credit Pexels Colour your mind with love and not with hatred. When you throw color on Krsna and paint Him with your shades from the mind, He throws the same >>