
Googling God And Spiritual

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You search for the solutions and answers to your vexing questions on Google, DuckDuckGo, Spotify or YouTube.

If it is how to make your Billions, you check out on Jack Ma, Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos. If it is about motivation or how to do business then you love Anthony, Tim Ferris or GaryV! When you want to shoot with you new camera, you open channels related to that.

Today, you can find whatever you want on any computer, smartphone or tablet by just asking for it. Even if you wish to check out some good looking men or women, your smartphone is very much your go to place.

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But when it comes to satisfaction or fulfilment of your desires, they are halfway somewhere and never completed. Why do you feel letdown in this age of quick fixes? There has to be something which can satisfy you completely. But it is elusive and very much an illusory experience. Why do you feel let down and aren’t able to reach your desired goals in life?

Here I am asking you the most important question! Why are you not able to make those same Billions you watched the stalwarts on news channels make? Why are you not able to get the most desirable woman/man and live with her/him forever and happily ever after? Or Crack the Harvard/Cambridge code by joining the study groups? You have never found those satisfactory answers for anything that you have wanted to know.

Now we move to the world of spiritual and ask the same question. Why haven’t you found God or whatever you wished to find in your Spiritual quest? Hasn’t Google given you the requisite answers?

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