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Keeping Commitments

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Commitment of any kind has to be kept. Whether it is of returning a favor or just paying your monthly rentals. It may seem absolutely trivial and unworthy of commenting here but the truth is that it is actually a big ado about everything.
When you give your word to someone and you make concessions to keeping it, then you are making a grave error. Deadlines are for everyone in the material world but we don’t honor them then you are going to be butchered. Every company works on tight schedules and when the timings are skewed then you are going to get the flak.
Think about it this way, if you don’t get your salary in time what will happen to you? Your rent will get delayed and your landlord will have to delay his own payments, which in turn the further the money goes, you will be held responsible for it. Similarly, you need to be paid in time so that the whole equation gets balanced.
Let’s now see, why does a person delay or procrastinate. Simply, it could be that you don’t give a lot of importance to that issue. Maybe it’s laziness, tardiness, inertia or boredom. You are not keen to perform the said task by sheer stupor. Your body doesn’t seem to move or show any sign of activity. Your limbs are frozen and no amount of fear or shouting will move them. I am sure you have heard stories of sleeping giants in the fairy tales. Do you believe they exist? No! But, you do exist and these are your demons to overcome. Not some fairy tale. You better understand that all these stories are based on some worldly realities. These are hidden traits of humans which we are supposed to understand and fight to win. But do we?
We carry on with our lives as if there is so much time in our world. You know you could be dead the next instant, then what makes you think that you have a tomorrow? So you need to buck up and go on moving. Your movement will continue to move the world ahead.
When you do your part, God or nature will do its part. But if you don’t then, why do you expect Him to deliver?
The deadlines are important to even the people in spiritual. The main difference being, the spiritually inclined people believe that just got to do without any expectations or results. Their job is to deliver but not bother about outcomes. Since these are never in any human hands. So the spiritual bring does all the things in its perfect timings without any qualms. He is doing all actions as his offering to The Lord. He does everything out of love for the divine alone, as if it’s the greatest offering to His Master. He considers himself as the servant of God and does everything that falls in his way without prejudice to anyone or anything.
You too should have this attitude towards all kinds of duties, not only to your own people but to each and every being. Your focus and attention towards all kinds of duties without discrimination will make you life worth living. Anyway, karma too doesn’t accumulate when that happens.
Just consider there is a fire in your house and how quickly you would douse it or call the fire brigade, in the same way pay all the attention even to the most mundane of jobs and deliver in time. Lite that spark within you and soar away to spectacular performances.
So don’t go about giving reasons for delay or procrastinate for you know not what lies at the end of the process. Just go and deliver in time.

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