My first divine vision of Who I am – Who is Shree and what is her Role in this Universe?

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Shree RajShree Maa

After my initiation into the Spiritual, I took off on the journey of unraveling the name given to me by my Master – Shree. Who is this Shree and what does Shree represent? Suddenly one morning in October 2009, I had a beautiful vision of this Shree. There was a four leg table like with a center base on which sat a brilliant effulgent powerful divine being in the Abhaya Mudra* form. Her glowing body exuded various energies and her face was aglow with powerful, dazzling bright white light. Suddenly, each leg of the table and the base she was seated on began to merge one at a time into Shree. Then Shree merged into the Master who was sitting right next to her. The most lucid explanation of this is that My Master who is the Lord of this Universe created Shree to create this Universe. After Shree has completed her duty, she in turn will merge into Him. In simple words, everything emanates from Krsna and finally gets annihilated in Krsna alone.

Krsna creates this Creatrix to create his Universe and run it for him. She does everything for Him. She goes by various names – Vaishnavi, Raja Rajeshwari, Narayani, Tripurasundari, etc. One of her names is Prakruti or what we call as Maa (Mother Nature). She is the Goddess of this entire creation and Universe. Shree is the respect or the Crown in the head of Krsna. The great, beautiful Goddess of the three cities, she who sports with her consort in his play, the Queen of Queens, the Supreme Ruler of the Lord Krsna. She is the potency of Krsna and is considered the ‘Doer’ of all his work in this Universe. Shree is the Prosperity, Grandeur, Glory, Valor, Strength, Fortitude, Wealth, Forbearance, Forgiveness, and Goodness of Krsna Himself.

So now that you have this background, let us go into how this creation happens and where it all began, as explained to me by my Krsna Guru. The four legs and the flat portion always comprise the entire form of any Divine Being. The four legs are the four pillars (represented by a cow in Holy Texts) which Mother earth stands upon. These four pillars represent Austerity, Honesty, Mercy and Truthfulness. But with the advent of Kali Yuga (Iron Age) it is said that the cow’s three legs are eaten away due to rampant irreligion in the form of lust, greed, deceit, infatuation, intoxication, etc. It is standing on one leg which will also be gone as we hurl fast into this age of Kali.

When Krsna was contemplating on creating this Universe, he wanted to establish a clear potential in this World of what he has in Golak Brindavan. He then created another entity in his own image which would create the Universe from nothing. This second entity gave Krsna an idea. This idea is what we consider to have created a concept of another Krsna called Grabhadokshayi Krsna (GK) or Vishnu (V) (He is created from the womb of Krsna himself). This GK was the first concept which started this Universe. But then the Universe was not formed because there was nothing there to happen – you need something to begin the cycle. So the next entity was born of GK. The first was called the egg (GK) and the second one is called Shirodokshayi Krsna (SK) or Vishnu which is a placid non-entity. The SK created another form called MahaVishnu (MV). The first two forms are not known and are embedded in each other. The Maha Vishnu form is actually in reality known as Brahma or Unmanifest. Krsna created unmanifest divinity which is MahaVishnu. MV in turn was contemplative in nature which is basically intellectualizing or a thinking type. MV wanted to conceptualize an object and hence MV created entities such Lakshmi, Garuda, etc. (different entities in the material world). This was all as part of a grand plan. This grand plan becomes the entire framework of this creation. Hence he is called Narayana (N) – Nara (Man) Ayana (Place where it happens like Ocean or Kund). This is the five concept or the four pillars + the base of creation.

Once this was done, MV had to create a female entity because the creative aspect has to be always productive in nature. Hence the first form of Maya came into existence. Gharbhakdoshayi Krsna, Shirokdoshayi Krsna, Maha Vishnu , Vishnu and Narayana all the five entities put their energies together to create an illusory object in nature which is supposed to be having a womb – GK, is having a nature – SK, is having a MV in it – Brahma/Unmanifest, then the Manifest – Vishnu. This female entity is called Tripurasundari, Raja Rajeshwari, Bhuvaneshwari, Kameshwari, Vishalakshi, Mahalakshmi, Narayani and others. She goes by names which are varied in nature. She is sitting atop this framework. This is the first destructive element that got created. Till just now nothing was under creation. But when the female entity was created by Krsna into one of the most beautiful and amazing things in his entire creation who has got all the qualities needed for producing this entire universe out of her womb. She has been given all the qualities with her which I shall explain in detail about each one of them in my future articles.

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It is creating the first concept called Karma or the tainting/disturbance. She is also called the Maha Vidya. It is her duty to propagate or create this Universe from within her. She in turn created the Maya or the first Creatrix of the Tatvas such as five elements, five sense organs, five organs of action, and the three gunas (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas). Every time she created there was jerk or defect in the system. Every time she created generation after generation there was further defects in the system because that is how Maya works and hence the annihilation comes into the picture.

So, where did it all begin? The whole concept began under the feet of Krsna. Under the beautiful lotus feet of Krsna, the creation begins, as if the water flows from there and makes itself into a beautiful river as an example so that you can visualize this beautiful concept. So all the twenty eight principles were in Maa. She uses the energy of the five (GK, SK, MV, Vishnu and Narayana) from whom all the ideas were coming to her who in turn created this entire Universe. Once this creation was going on she was supposed to be lost in the Divine. She is to be constantly lost in oneness with Krsna. Once the inauguration of this creation is done and the ball in set in motion the only thing left for her to do is to merge back in Krsna.

The GK/SK/MV principles are coming from within, or from the core of the heart. The outer being that you see is the body and this world comprises the principles of Maha Vidyas (Spiritual Knowledge) namely Adi Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi, Dhanya Lakshmi, Gaja Lakshmi, Santana Lakshmi, Veera Lakshmi, Vijaya Lakshmi, Vidya Lakshmi, Lakshmi and Maha Lakshmi as per Vaishnavism. As per Shavisim – Kali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala consorts of Shiva. They form the ten Mahavidyas in this world who are celebrated during the ten days of Dussehra. Krsna’s potencies are these MahaVidyas. Once the entire creation finishes then this divine being does her duty in this world under the guidance of Krsna and finally merges back in Krsna alone.

This was the meaning of my Vision of who Shree is and what her purpose in this Universe is. Since then it has been an amazing journey with my Master in unraveling this Divine Self and understanding my True Nature and Potential. And that is why it is called ‘Self Realization’ which can happen in a day, year, in this life or in the many more lives yet to come. The attainment of this goal depends on how deeply you desire it and the amount of self-effort that you put into doing your Sadhana or Spiritual practice. Without the Guru one can never achieve this. The Guru is the helmsman who guides you through this path across the shore. Rest assured that you’re prepared to give the exams of these profound lessons which will come to you when you least expect it. You will understand what I mean here as you follow me on my journey.
Watch out for my next write-up about the four different kinds of sounds or vibrations which I heard within my heart.

*The Abhayamudra is a “gesture of fearlessness”. It represents peace, benevolence, protection, and the dispelling of fear. In this position, one hand signifies offering benediction and with the other, accepts all the fears and worries of the devotee.

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