For You
Everyone believes that they are singled out for criticism but the truth of the matter is, everyone IS singled out!!! The words which you read are meant for you alone. >>
Everyone believes that they are singled out for criticism but the truth of the matter is, everyone IS singled out!!! The words which you read are meant for you alone. >>
Why me? Why has everyone deserted me? Why is no one around me right now when I need them, God? I am here with you, isn't that good enough? What >>
Empathize with others and know their sorrow and pain. It will make you a much better person.
What is unconditional love? You have heard men and women profess unconditional love for each other, but is that unconditional love? If it is based on unnatural desires and piles >>
Loneliness and Godliness! Loneliness is a very tough emotion to overcome. Human beings are social animals and they tend to flock around others of their kind. But when they become >>