Art of Communication
“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” In life no matter what job you do, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your >>
“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” In life no matter what job you do, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your >>
“We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, Some lessons are painful, Some are painless, but all are Priceless.” Learning is an art; it is human nature to >>
It was said by MyKrsnaGuru that traveling this path would be difficult and it is – very difficult. There is an inner struggle to keep the mind from running wild, >>
A normal human being wonders why do these fanatics talk so much about God and thrust Him down the throat of everyone who is not keen to know so much! >>
Why is it important to know you, dear God? Is it necessary? No, it ain't necessary for you or anyone to know me. Then why are we told to follow >>
We believe that we can change someone in life. We work hard to do that, hoping that someday the person will respond to our love or strictness but all in >>
Everyone believes that they are singled out for criticism but the truth of the matter is, everyone IS singled out!!! The words which you read are meant for you alone. >>
What happens to those who leave their Gurus and go away without completing their training? Firstly, it isn't the disciples prerogative to join the Guru but it is the other >>
You want to be exception to the rule. You consider yourselves as unique and one of a kind. You believe what happens to you is only happening to you alone >>
When does an individual begin in spiritual world? Is there a specific time or age when he enters the spiritual path? Can you identify yourself in the examples set below? >>
“Hey, do you remember the Brother-Sister team who used to work with us?” “Of course, I remember them! They were the smartest kids on the team.” “Yeah, they brought in >>
‘I am perfect’ – Who is this ‘I’ who is perfect? Every individual in this world believes he or she is most perfect self on this planet earth. We are >>