Doubts In Your Guru?
What are doubts in your Guru like? Can you talk about trust or faith when you have doubts? Plain Suspicion or deceit alone can destroy human relationships. Doubts or suspicion >>
What are doubts in your Guru like? Can you talk about trust or faith when you have doubts? Plain Suspicion or deceit alone can destroy human relationships. Doubts or suspicion >>
Is God revengeful and should I be afraid of Gods retribution? Why will God put me in trouble even after I have done so many good deeds? I am a >>
Have you heard the story of the ugly duckling? So what happened afterwards, is it worth listening to? The eggs hatch and give off beautiful birds but this one particular >>
Everyone has a dream and all want to make it real in life. But hardly any can! Why don't we get what we so much wish for? I am sure >>
If someone says, they have never asked for help from anyone, know that they are lying. As a child, so a man has always needed help to do something in >>
Betrayal is a universal affliction. Trust your instincts when you meet people in life they say! But most of the time we are wrong since everyone betrays us. There isn't >>
Everyone believes that what is taught in the satsang is meant for someone else, not for themselves. They are wrong in their thinking. If the words have fallen in their >>
You love to deride and degrade yourselves. You give yourselves all sorts of reasons and you start believing that you are incapable or unable to do or achieve that. You >>
We all suffer pain right from the time we took birth. There isn't a single person who hasn't lived in pain. It may be physical or mental, intense or mild, >>
We have conditioned our mind to such a level that if you are called out by another name you will not look up. Remember the Emily of Devil Wears Prada? >>
Why are people developing cold feet after they are offered solutions or opportunities for participation? What makes a person run away or shut themselves up when they can rise above >>
Like they say in the world today,"shit happens!" What happens if you believe that the one person whom you had trusted to handle a situation, botches it up? Your entire >>