What It Means To Be Lonely?
Do you understand what it means to be lonely? Someone asked me once and I said that I can never be lonely. Listening to the song by Boys To Men-"Show >>
Do you understand what it means to be lonely? Someone asked me once and I said that I can never be lonely. Listening to the song by Boys To Men-"Show >>
Are you brain dead? Have you ever asked yourself why God hasn't distributed brains in equal quantities to all? Some people are born dumb and some are super intelligent and >>
We are so obsessed by some strange characteristics of a person that we keep on pointing towards that all the time. In one of the Austin Powers movies, the hero >>
I am so confused about my own self that I really don't understand how I came into being. Two parts are needed by humans to create another. The sperm came >>
What's in a name? Everything and nothing at all. Your name is your identity and your character. Your name was supposedly given by your parents or someone else, but let >>
The uncertainty principle is studied by every student of science but the truth about uncertainty could never have been understood by any human. The world runs ahead to meet this >>