Help Only The Deserving!
Helping those who need help or help only the deserving. You have sometimes gone out of the way to help the most undeserving person in your life and repented it >>
Helping those who need help or help only the deserving. You have sometimes gone out of the way to help the most undeserving person in your life and repented it >>
How a person falls out of love can never be told. The answer to that is the words- "I am no longer in love with you"-and that's just it! When >>
Stories are written about the great deeds of human beings with great powers a long time after they are dead and gone. Stories of Jesus Christ, Shakyamuni Buddha, Sriram or >>
Can someone else understand your divine ecstasy? Is it possible to empathize with someone else? Can some people really understand what the others are talking about without actually going through >>
What is permanence in life? Someday we will all be happy is the refrain and we keep on hoping for that day. Believing like the people in the concentration camp >>