Revelation of the Truth about Gem
OMG! It has been a long delayed flight. I seek your apologies. Now that I am back after a big bamboo from my preceptor let me continue the storytelling sessions >>
OMG! It has been a long delayed flight. I seek your apologies. Now that I am back after a big bamboo from my preceptor let me continue the storytelling sessions >>
You contend with your own issues, get bogged down with them and unable to sort out you feel terribly depressed. You seek answers from some kindred souls, friends or relatives. >>
Do you copy your Guru or Mentor? When you copy your mentor or your Guru, do you really believe that you have reached their position? They say that imitation is >>
God, you are destroying me and I have no peace in this world. Well, well, well! Look who is saying that! I am telling you the truth. Your world is >>
Who is the Guru? Guru is not a teacher because teacher is a professional who earns living out of teaching. Guru is not a mother because the mother gives birth >>
Sex is passionate, love is compassionate.
If someone spews venom at you continuously know that you are constantly in the mind of that person. The way of making that venom turn to honey is to spread >>