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When the sages move towards enlightenment, God feels good about it. He hopes there are now a few who would lessen His burden of running this world. He hopes that >>
When the sages move towards enlightenment, God feels good about it. He hopes there are now a few who would lessen His burden of running this world. He hopes that >>
KrsnaGuru teaches that spiritual growth will happen according to God’s timetable and not my own. What is the goal of a spiritual aspirant? Guruji teaches that a true spiritual aspirant >>
This question, “Now What?” plagues everyone. Wherever you are, the question still remains with you. So what is next? This uncertainty is so deep and profound with everyone. You may >>
The easiest thing to do when you don’t have enough money is to rent. You buy only when you have some to spend. Am I saying it right? There are >>
We always want to know how we have fared in our tests or interviews. The results keep us on tenterhooks and we crave to know it beforehand. Such is human >>
You search for the solutions and answers to your vexing questions on Google, DuckDuckGo, Spotify or YouTube. If it is how to make your Billions, you check out on Jack >>
KrsnaGuruji teaches the root of most material world problems are unfulfilled desires. Contentment can be found in a simple life. Most of us struggle and work hard for money to >>
If life is not full of surprises then it is not worth living. If we get all we desire then no one will strive to get what they want the >>
Why do the sages and saints beg for food and wear hand me down clothes? This question sounds very intriguing and make us wonder about this special quality of the >>
Do we get peace and happiness in spirituality? Does becoming spiritual means attaining tranquility and a life full of joy? Why are terms like happiness, joy, peace, tranquility, etc., associated >>
We owe allegiance to someone or somethings. We owe it to our parents, relatives, county, state, school, college, university, associations or religions. We are sometimes die-hard fans of the same. >>
“How to see God or Krsna in everything?” I questioned my KrsnaGuru. He responded saying, “First, you need to give up your desires, expectations, attachments, wants and every other form >>