Help Only The Deserving!
Helping those who need help or help only the deserving. You have sometimes gone out of the way to help the most undeserving person in your life and repented it >>
Helping those who need help or help only the deserving. You have sometimes gone out of the way to help the most undeserving person in your life and repented it >>
After my initiation into the Spiritual, I took off on the journey of unraveling the name given to me by my Master - Shree. Who is this Shree and what >>
Dear God, I want to know who is your highest devotee? Why would you want to know that? Do you think you fall into that category? Yes. I do. I >>
After my first and most beautiful journey with my Master to Kolkata and getting my first divine experiences meeting Sri Ramakrishna Ji and Kali Ma, I returned to Bangalore feeling >>
God, you are destroying me and I have no peace in this world. Well, well, well! Look who is saying that! I am telling you the truth. Your world is >>
Each one believes they are the best devotee and soon they have to undergo the toughest test. The test of their own devotion comes about in a very special way. >>
What have you to say about becoming spiritual? After I have seen all this pointlessness in the world, God, I have decided I will become spiritual from now onwards. Ah! >>
How does one have equanimity? There is a pendulum which swings from left to right. If I consider left as one extreme and right as other then on one side >>
What makes a modern ashram? A very strange question was asked by my devotee about songs and dances. If my likings are the latest numbers on the charts and MTV >>
The story of the devoted king and his Guru. Why does the Guru do what He does? Can anyone be sure why or wherefore He does it? No one can >>
You can pay ten thousand and one to carry the palanquin of God when we take it around ceremonially. If you want special prayers for your father, then you pay >>
No one can fathom the weight of The Lord. Not even Satyabhama! She kept on putting more and more gold and jewels, yet the weighing scale didn't tilt! Rukmini told >>