Test of my Quest for Spiritual Part II
Continuing from where I left off in my last article, my roller coaster ride continued. Here I had embarked on the Spiritual journey but little did I know what it >>
Continuing from where I left off in my last article, my roller coaster ride continued. Here I had embarked on the Spiritual journey but little did I know what it >>
Is it easy to forgive and move on in life? Sometimes it is and at other times it isn't. Why do we do those misdemeanors and ask for forgiveness? Why >>
Helping those who need help or help only the deserving. You have sometimes gone out of the way to help the most undeserving person in your life and repented it >>
What is the difference between the desires of a spiritually perfect being and a material being? It is said that every individual has desires of various kinds. Maybe it's a >>
After my first and most beautiful journey with my Master to Kolkata and getting my first divine experiences meeting Sri Ramakrishna Ji and Kali Ma, I returned to Bangalore feeling >>
How can a person believe in another with whom they have been with for a few weeks and not believe in another with whom they have spent best part of >>
Today there is a lot of flak passing around for the unpreparedness of the local administration in Uttarkhand because of the environmental damage due to floods. Temples of Uttarkasi will >>
We often like or dislike somethings in life. Situations that are to our liking make us happy and joyous. Those which make us feel terrible or small are the ones >>
They say "gharki murgi daal barabar", which means we consider our own stuff as mundane whereas the outsiders is tasty and delicious. When we work outside for money and career, >>
Don't teach me! I know what is right! Whenever you ask someone to do something, that person usually doesn't perform the said task in the specified manner. Especially if it >>
Why do things happen? Sometimes you wonder why you are there in that place? Nothing seems to happen or nothing changes, so what in Gods name are you there for? >>
Do I have a divine purpose? Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of this life? Some people are only born to provide the sperm for >>