Trust Turns Into Apathy
How does trust turn into apathy? Can you tell how you became so much accustomed to another, even after knowing that you cannot bear them even for a minute? How >>
How does trust turn into apathy? Can you tell how you became so much accustomed to another, even after knowing that you cannot bear them even for a minute? How >>
Human beings are a great one to shy away from accepting responsibility. No longer does the person show the same enthusiasm that they did sometime back. No longer do they >>
The festivals come and go. We are full of celebrations then and later the spirit vanishes. The enthusiasm dies down the moment the festival closes for the day. We get >>
You are "dead walled." What is this new word? You mean you cannot see any hope, just like a cornered person? There is no escape for you now. Is that >>
What happened to that eternal optimist in you? Do you recollect doing silly, stupid, good and strange stuff during childhood or your youth? Now tell me, why are you not >>