Only No.1 Can Teach You To Be No.1.
Short memories and opinionated so called well-wishers can turn you against your true pathway. So people railroad you into believing what they think is right for you. They say they >>
Short memories and opinionated so called well-wishers can turn you against your true pathway. So people railroad you into believing what they think is right for you. They say they >>
My biggest issue today is how to get out of this problem! I am completely lost and have absolutely no clue of how to extricate myself out of this mess. >>
SriRam refused to kill the bird with his bow and arrow and also restrained his brother Lakshmana from using his weapon. The Master reprimanded SriRam for not listening to Him. >>
Do you think that you are the only person in the whole wide world who has troubles and problems? Everyone has them and everybody thinks his problems are the biggest >>
Money is the greatest driving force in the material world. Ask any material worldly person and they will tell you that. As they say in the world,"he will be willing >>
Many a times you do something and wonder what's the use of doing that? You believe it's a futile exercise into some worthless job. Ask yourself are you so worthy >>