Find Solutions

By |2020-12-26T10:38:21+05:30December 14th, 2014|Blogs|

How do you find solutions to the most vexing issues in life? I know this is a hot topic and even those who are going to glance about it will >>

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The Millennials.

By |2020-06-15T14:08:01+05:30October 27th, 2014|Blogs|

The millennials are finding it extremely difficult to overcome the job and career scene today. Take for example a wannabe actress that I know about, finds it extremely tough to >>

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Dead Walled

By |2020-12-26T10:36:48+05:30June 5th, 2014|Blogs|

You are "dead walled." What is this new word? You mean you cannot see any hope, just like a cornered person? There is no escape for you now. Is that >>

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Commitment And Action

By |2015-02-05T11:48:49+05:30May 28th, 2014|Blogs|

What is commitment and what is action? Both are different terms but without commitment, you cannot have true action. Your action will be only partial if you do not have >>

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How To Condition The Mind?

By |2019-06-21T09:40:06+05:30May 22nd, 2014|Blogs|

How to condition the mind? Is it easy or difficult for anyone to do so? Can you get someone's attention and never let it stray away from you? Can the >>

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Eight Knots In Life

By |2014-12-11T12:04:50+05:30April 16th, 2014|Blogs|

What are the eight knots in the life's rope? Once the great Tilopa gave an eight knotted rope and asked his disciple what it meant? Naropa who was educated in >>

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