Doubts In Your Guru?

By |2014-04-21T23:10:04+05:30April 7th, 2014|Teachings|

What are doubts in your Guru like? Can you talk about trust or faith when you have doubts? Plain Suspicion or deceit alone can destroy human relationships. Doubts or suspicion >>

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Trapeze Artist

By |2015-06-18T09:46:58+05:30March 20th, 2014|Teachings|

You are like a trapeze artist in the circus of life. You get too much at ease, you will fall in the trap of boredom and futility. Always walk the >>

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Love To Deride And Degrade!

By |2014-12-17T11:37:28+05:30March 12th, 2014|Blogs|

You love to deride and degrade yourselves. You give yourselves all sorts of reasons and you start believing that you are incapable or unable to do or achieve that. You >>

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How To Have Faith?

By |2020-06-15T14:06:55+05:30January 4th, 2014|Blogs|

"How to have faith?" "I don't know how to do that since I don't want to go through the conventional methods!"Edwin questioned. I don't know what I am looking for. >>

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Eternal Optimist

By |2020-06-15T14:06:20+05:30December 16th, 2013|Blogs|

What happened to that eternal optimist in you? Do you recollect doing silly, stupid, good and strange stuff during childhood or your youth? Now tell me, why are you not >>

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