Doubts In Your Guru?
What are doubts in your Guru like? Can you talk about trust or faith when you have doubts? Plain Suspicion or deceit alone can destroy human relationships. Doubts or suspicion >>
What are doubts in your Guru like? Can you talk about trust or faith when you have doubts? Plain Suspicion or deceit alone can destroy human relationships. Doubts or suspicion >>
You are like a trapeze artist in the circus of life. You get too much at ease, you will fall in the trap of boredom and futility. Always walk the >>
You love to deride and degrade yourselves. You give yourselves all sorts of reasons and you start believing that you are incapable or unable to do or achieve that. You >>
The people who irk you just by appearing in front of you are many. Why would they make you so upset or disturb your peace of mind? They might not >>
We have conditioned our mind to such a level that if you are called out by another name you will not look up. Remember the Emily of Devil Wears Prada? >>
What does it mean, in spiritual,when someone says that they have taken charge of you? Does it mean that you have empowered that person over you? Surrendering at the feet >>
So what is the truth and what is falsehood? The media is having a ball of a time today about the Dylan and Woody Allen affair! So who is telling >>
Is there anyone out there who doesn't go through difficulties and obstructions? Or opposition and rejections, failures and postponement, losses and troubles? We all are so much prone to these >>
"How to have faith?" "I don't know how to do that since I don't want to go through the conventional methods!"Edwin questioned. I don't know what I am looking for. >>
"I give you my word and I will keep it." These are great words we hear often from people who believe in their integrity and truthfulness. But what is the >>
What happened to that eternal optimist in you? Do you recollect doing silly, stupid, good and strange stuff during childhood or your youth? Now tell me, why are you not >>
There is too much suspicion after truce also. You have just had a terrible fight with someone and have patched up. Now any words that are exchanged by either parties >>