Magical Stuff

By |2020-12-26T10:35:18+05:30November 10th, 2013|Blogs|

You have read magical stuff during your childhood right from Harry Potter to Superman. Even the mythological stuff was dreamy and unworldly. Gods and demons doing stuff which was unbelievable. >>

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Spirituality Is The Spirit In You!

By |2013-10-26T21:31:20+05:30October 26th, 2013|Blogs|

Spirituality is all about the spirit in you. Spirituality has very little or nothing to do with religion. Religion is a way of harnessing people into submission to a particular >>

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Divorce Anything?

By |2013-10-12T22:32:02+05:30October 12th, 2013|Teachings|

People divorce anything or anyone. Be it a spouse, company, car, religion or even God! Renew, renegotiate, reuse, return, revive, refurbish and re-establishing faith can return them back the lost >>

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Paupers And Rich?

By |2013-10-06T19:04:03+05:30October 6th, 2013|Blogs|

Why do people behave like paupers when they own so much and are rich beyond expectations? Take the case of a working single woman who owns three condos and yet >>

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Complete Surrender In Spiritual!

By |2015-01-20T11:05:48+05:30October 5th, 2013|Blogs|

What is the meaning of the words-Complete Surrender in spiritual? It means you have given into the divine completely and do not use your own judgement or reasoning for anything >>

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All Hear, No One Listens!

By |2013-09-06T02:42:16+05:30September 5th, 2013|Teachings|

Trust people to do what you ask them to the first time you tell them anything and they won't do. So don't throw your faith on untrustworthy people, they are >>

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Krsna Janmastami

By |2013-08-28T20:12:01+05:30August 28th, 2013|Blogs|

Krsna Janmastami is a beautiful day in every human beings life. In the world outside, Krsna is born at 12 midnight and then transported to another place through the swelling >>

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