The Edge Of The Seat Feeling!
There is always that edge of the seat feeling when something is supposed to happen yet it's not happening. Something's gotta give yet it doesn't. The anxiety caused by the >>
There is always that edge of the seat feeling when something is supposed to happen yet it's not happening. Something's gotta give yet it doesn't. The anxiety caused by the >>
You have read magical stuff during your childhood right from Harry Potter to Superman. Even the mythological stuff was dreamy and unworldly. Gods and demons doing stuff which was unbelievable. >>
When you are confused and don't know what to do or how to do, so how do you find answers? This happens to all of us always. You aren't sure >>
Spirituality is all about the spirit in you. Spirituality has very little or nothing to do with religion. Religion is a way of harnessing people into submission to a particular >>
I am so confused about my own self that I really don't understand how I came into being. Two parts are needed by humans to create another. The sperm came >>
Jesus ate a piece of fish and asked Thomas to touch His wound to prove to His disciples that He was there in flesh after He had risen from the >>
People divorce anything or anyone. Be it a spouse, company, car, religion or even God! Renew, renegotiate, reuse, return, revive, refurbish and re-establishing faith can return them back the lost >>
Why do people behave like paupers when they own so much and are rich beyond expectations? Take the case of a working single woman who owns three condos and yet >>
What is the meaning of the words-Complete Surrender in spiritual? It means you have given into the divine completely and do not use your own judgement or reasoning for anything >>
Trust people to do what you ask them to the first time you tell them anything and they won't do. So don't throw your faith on untrustworthy people, they are >>
Life has come to a dead halt! Sometimes you wonder why you were going through such excruciatingly painful circumstances in life. You know they are a sheer waste of time >>
Krsna Janmastami is a beautiful day in every human beings life. In the world outside, Krsna is born at 12 midnight and then transported to another place through the swelling >>