Beautiful Mind
“The most beautiful things in this universe are inside the beautiful mind.” A beautiful mind will never cease to be incredible, however, we humans love to waste our amazing mind >>
“The most beautiful things in this universe are inside the beautiful mind.” A beautiful mind will never cease to be incredible, however, we humans love to waste our amazing mind >>
Why is man so confused while making decisions in life? Why does he lose focus about things that really matter the most? Instead of attacking the main subject, why does >>
You can see the horizon Yet you can't reach it. It appears within grasp. But disappears as you near it. Stop focusing on achievements. Start filling gaps in the Now.
A slight deviation I have taken here to cover one of the most important lessons which my Master imparted through a real-time experience. It completely transformed my entire way of >>
Your attention span for any subject is just a few seconds. Your focus lasts for just some moments. So why does that happen? Why do people not pay attention to >>
I desperately need money to pay off the loan. Help me, God. Why do you need money? I gave you last time also and you blew it up. Not at >>
Repeat, please! This is difficult! I don't know what you want me to do. Can you repeat what you said to me earlier? Please! You should record the conversation and >>
We often like or dislike somethings in life. Situations that are to our liking make us happy and joyous. Those which make us feel terrible or small are the ones >>
How to get back our focus and overcome distractions? This was the conversation which sparked on my Facebook page and I shall offer here some methods of overcoming these issues. >>
There was a young athlete who tried very hard to win the race. Every time he neared the winning breast tape, he faltered and dropped speed. He lost out >>
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>