Read And Know God?
I always read some spiritual stuff and dwell on it in my mind, is this the way to know you God? Ahem! If anyone can understand me simply by reading >>
I always read some spiritual stuff and dwell on it in my mind, is this the way to know you God? Ahem! If anyone can understand me simply by reading >>
Do you want to know or not? When someone says that the soul has left the body when the person died, what does it actually mean? Is there something called >>
Helping those who need help or help only the deserving. You have sometimes gone out of the way to help the most undeserving person in your life and repented it >>
I want to know who is right and who is wrong? Can you tell me that, God? You can elaborate on that question and ask me precisely. There are two >>
Incomplete knowledge can be so harmful for all of us. Just imagine people who are joining websites like Twitter or Facebook should be asked their qualification before they join since >>
Some people are out to save the world and can go to any length to do whatever it takes. But if you see them closely, they need saving themselves. They >>
When you say be devoted to me, what exactly do you mean God? Be devoted to me, means you should have only me to think about and nothing else. But >>
I haven't done anything wrong to anybody then why am I having this dreadful disease, God? You are right as far as this life goes dear son! But what about >>
What is the difference between the desires of a spiritually perfect being and a material being? It is said that every individual has desires of various kinds. Maybe it's a >>
Dear God, I want to know who is your highest devotee? Why would you want to know that? Do you think you fall into that category? Yes. I do. I >>
Who says there aren't happy people in this world? I am happy and I have nothing to complain about. There are many people out there who are saying this. I >>
Is it about not having faith or having less of it, that gives others lesser marks and no seat? This question came up when someone told me that they have >>