Power Of Perseverence
We are sometimes very persuasive and sometimes we just let go. Those things that raise our interest we follow them till the end results but those which are uninteresting we >>
We are sometimes very persuasive and sometimes we just let go. Those things that raise our interest we follow them till the end results but those which are uninteresting we >>
First they said was the word which was heard. Now you can deduce why! No one knew the alphabet or for that matter how to write. Think why should they >>
You meet all sorts of people in life. There are those who seem to fall sick every single day of life and there are those who have all possible imaginary >>
Explanation of God from the example of sun and mirror! Let us consider God as the Sun. He reflects everywhere and on everything. If you consider the moon as one >>
Those who work hard consider their job worth doing. Those who hardly work consider themselves in the wrong job. If you love what you do then you will put your >>
I work the whole day taking care of my kids and husband and then I wonder where do I find time for taking a peek at spiritual ? I guess >>
How does one have equanimity? There is a pendulum which swings from left to right. If I consider left as one extreme and right as other then on one side >>
How many times have you heard this statement- I cannot trust you or you have broken my trust and so on? The word trust turns to dust when we apply >>
If you have come to spiritual trying to find permanent happiness then you will be disillusioned. Take the cases of Jesus or Buddha. They met their death in most uncalled >>
We often like or dislike somethings in life. Situations that are to our liking make us happy and joyous. Those which make us feel terrible or small are the ones >>
Sometimes it's very confusing to know what teachings to apply.Even the space and time seems confusing.So lets see where and when we should use our spiritual knowledge. When you live >>
Are you afraid of fear? Fear is the primary moving force in this world. Fear drives nations and human beings. Fear rules the land of animals and birds too. The >>