Futile Deeds And Wasted Life!
Some people love to do futile deeds and waste their life. There are people who cannot even afford a one dollar haircut and there are those who spend $200-300 just >>
Some people love to do futile deeds and waste their life. There are people who cannot even afford a one dollar haircut and there are those who spend $200-300 just >>
Why do things happen? Sometimes you wonder why you are there in that place? Nothing seems to happen or nothing changes, so what in Gods name are you there for? >>
What is the purpose of this life? What it is- "Serving the purpose for being there?" Humans don't have much idea about these terms. What does it mean "to serve >>
Creating content is a go to word in the Internet world. Every website, advert or even the humble handouts needs the right content for someone to sell his product or >>
Why should someone invest time in spiritual? Does anyone get anything constructive out of it? Are there any benefits or gains to be measured by following spiritualism? Since there aren't >>
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>
Why does one need a Guru? At the outset let me tell you that you don't need one. You wonder if that sentence is complete or not. Whether there are >>
As Krsna arrived in my world, the same night I immediately sent a text to my Master asking for his time to meet with him the next day. However he >>
Ultimately, you just did what you were supposed to do and never listened to me. Then you went and blamed me for getting you in trouble. I am always to >>
What makes a modern ashram? A very strange question was asked by my devotee about songs and dances. If my likings are the latest numbers on the charts and MTV >>
Your health is in your own God's hands! Diseases, illnesses, operations, phobias, manias, outgrowths, ingrowths, coma, etcetera etcetera are all considered human issues or problems connected to body, mind and >>