We Love To Blame Others!
Just think how we love to blame others for our own mistakes? I haven't written for the last few weeks and was contemplating on not writing for the rest of >>
Just think how we love to blame others for our own mistakes? I haven't written for the last few weeks and was contemplating on not writing for the rest of >>
Who is the Guru? Guru is not a teacher because teacher is a professional who earns living out of teaching. Guru is not a mother because the mother gives birth >>
A typical morning in the life of a private company employee! I got up in the morning. My bed needs fixing up. The spring is gone. The covers needs to >>
What is your inherent nature? Why do you want the owl to wake up in the morning? Why do you want the dog to sleep in your bed? Why do >>
In the battle with tamas and inertia, you say, I want to win! I want to see light and victory. I need that desperately! Do you really want to get >>
The fairy tale ending always appeals to our child like mind. The truth could never be told, you say! There are many times in life when you have to tell >>
What is your name and who are you? Where did you come from and where are you going? I was reading this article which asks whose baby you are if >>
Why do people troll? A young boy opened his Facebook page and while scrolling seemed to have pressed the like button of a state which is at war with some >>
What does it mean being you? Everyone says that they need at least one success in life. Life would be a struggle before that single win but once you have >>
What is real and unreal? Sometimes it's so tough not to accuse someone in our life. Even though we know that the main culprit or perpetrator is that someone who >>
The inconvenience that one faces when they have to stay at a place alien to them, cannot be recounted verbally. Truly we are so much accustomed to our own spaces >>
Why do people hide greed under the guise of inflation? Why do we pay more for stuff that costs so less? So why does the hero of Dallas Buyers Club >>