Selfless Love
What is selfless love? What do you do to the people you love? You do things for them and you sacrifice for them. Haven't you seen your parents or spouse >>
What is selfless love? What do you do to the people you love? You do things for them and you sacrifice for them. Haven't you seen your parents or spouse >>
Imagine SriRam or Shri Krsna saying that I have God living in my heart and I will follow what I believe in. Or someone saying that I love God in >>
God, I had such a disturbed night. I couldn't sleep a wink. Ha, ha! You really think so? Why are you laughing? I really was awake the whole night. What >>
Today we are going to understand about the three D's of spiritual. But before we get into those, you should know that it all begins with Capital D, which is >>
Hey man, why can you not have faith in me? Dear God! I do trust you and have faith in you. But most of the times you fail me, so >>
‘Love for Krsna!’ is a quotidian factor. It is something which I read and hear about all the time in my world of Spirituality. ‘Love’ is a universal language of >>
Dear God, I was wanting to talk to you last week but I had no time then. Wish you were on some chat-app! So today, you are free, I guess. >>
God, I want to know whom will you run to help? Well, what is the issue? What happened now? Between the two of us, we have lots of our own >>
Do not get demotivated by what you hear, instead listen to that God in you and empower yourself. Be free and stop deriding yourself by hearsay. Love yourself and raise >>
God, I want to know about possessiveness and love. Are they same? Oh, there you are. Not to be seen nowadays. Very busy man. I see you have found a >>
You want to be exception to the rule. You consider yourselves as unique and one of a kind. You believe what happens to you is only happening to you alone >>
There are too many gods out there. Why do all these religions have so many gods to contend with? In some other place they say there is only one God. >>