Extreme Hatred
Why this extreme hatred for fellow human beings, you may ask? There are shootings, rapes, plunders, wars, senseless killings and so on. You wonder when it will come to an >>
Why this extreme hatred for fellow human beings, you may ask? There are shootings, rapes, plunders, wars, senseless killings and so on. You wonder when it will come to an >>
God, you are destroying me and I have no peace in this world. Well, well, well! Look who is saying that! I am telling you the truth. Your world is >>
What is the root cause of jealousy or envy? Desire! When you were small, were you jealous of your best friend for having wonderful toys, which you could never own? >>
Unfollow And Unfriend? So what makes someone unfollow or unfriend another? Is it aversion or irritability, anger or apathy, hatred or jealousy? There could be many more reasons for an >>