Stories We Tell Ourselves!
We all love stories about people who have reached some great statuses or life goals. We read them over and over again or watch videos about them. We admire their >>
We all love stories about people who have reached some great statuses or life goals. We read them over and over again or watch videos about them. We admire their >>
Every day you keep on doing the same old thing in clockwork precision relentlessly. 29 days in a month you don't even care to observe your actions, but suddenly one >>
Human beings are a great one to shy away from accepting responsibility. No longer does the person show the same enthusiasm that they did sometime back. No longer do they >>
The festivals come and go. We are full of celebrations then and later the spirit vanishes. The enthusiasm dies down the moment the festival closes for the day. We get >>
Everyone needs motivation. Reading about Prozac today, I was wondering how come there aren't any drugs for motivation? The world needs motivation constantly since a person can become demotivated even >>
Why does a person need escape velocity in life? A few days ago I was watching a small video about a father telling his daughter to say sorry. The girl >>
What is responsive stupor? It is that which makes you unable to move or perform the silliest of the tasks in our day to day life! Why am I confused >>
What's initiative? Hardly anyone works on his own steam. Everyone needs a prod before they move. Those who have their own motivation to do the stuff are called the ones >>
Waking up Kumbhakarna was an impossible task! So how do we wake up a sleeping person? This question has been asked by many to me. Now let's get this straight, >>
So what is it that makes you not want to do it? Is it laziness, inertia, physical or mental disabilities or the universe itself not allowing you to do anything >>
Thinking naturally about a subject gives us answers. Too much thinking gives us a headache. Not thinking gives us inertia. So you ask me what to do? I answer, "don't >>