Find God
How does one find God? This is a subject I have never written about much but since you asked me a question I shall answer it. Atheism is all about >>
How does one find God? This is a subject I have never written about much but since you asked me a question I shall answer it. Atheism is all about >>
How pure is purity? When we say that the person is pure, what does it mean? Does it mean that he has no impure thoughts, doesn't involve in any impure >>
How a person falls out of love can never be told. The answer to that is the words- "I am no longer in love with you"-and that's just it! When >>
We have heard everyone say the words from the Bhagvad Gita- "Non-violence in action, words and deeds!" These words have been grossly interpreted as an action which involves no violence, >>
We all love stories about people who have reached some great statuses or life goals. We read them over and over again or watch videos about them. We admire their >>
If you have come to spiritual trying to find permanent happiness then you will be disillusioned. Take the cases of Jesus or Buddha. They met their death in most uncalled >>
Why don't they listen? You keep on telling them and still they never listen. It's no use talking you say, because any which way no one will listen. So why >>
The Empty Mind is needed to fill in the teachings. Swami Hriyananda was doing a satsang yesterday and he emphasized these words to the congregation. Let us see how that >>
Everyone feels that everything is lost sometime in life. To some it happens twice or many more times. But it happens to all. Do you think it doesn't happen to >>
"I am a renunciate, so I will not work,"says the biggest spiritual hypocrite! There is a misconception that every man has about spirituality and becoming spiritual. It's about silence, renunciation, >>
She asked for how I thrive in spiritual so here goes. Everyone runs after unplugging, to discharge, to de-stress, to disconnect and to overcome the struggles, troubles and sufferings! So >>
Is God revengeful and should I be afraid of Gods retribution? Why will God put me in trouble even after I have done so many good deeds? I am a >>