Seek the Eternal
Why does it feel good when you put in so much effort and got good results from what you did and still at the end of it you haven't reached >>
Why does it feel good when you put in so much effort and got good results from what you did and still at the end of it you haven't reached >>
God, I just want to leave everything and go to the mountains or some faraway place. So you are tired of life or are you under too much pressure at >>
Continuing from where I left off in my last article, my roller coaster ride continued with this final lap, the test by my Master that I’m about to narrate. As >>
You stumble, you fall and then you learn! Till you don't fall down, you won't learn. I have heard people say this so many times that it is no longer >>
There is no laughter or joy anymore. Life has become a big pain in the rear. You wish the world would cease to exist. But long ago there was a >>
The story of the cuckoo and the crow! Everyday the koel(cuckoo) would sing and the whole world would praise her. The crows would caw and the people would get irritated. >>
Happy Dusshera to all our dear friends. This is a time for overcoming all the evil demons within and without. Spreading love and joy. Bringing in peace and prosperity to >>
So what's your level of happiness? Are you happy right now? Is happiness motivated by people, things, money or God? Are you happy in someone's company or when someone goes >>
What is permanence in life? Someday we will all be happy is the refrain and we keep on hoping for that day. Believing like the people in the concentration camp >>