So Confused
Why is man so confused while making decisions in life? Why does he lose focus about things that really matter the most? Instead of attacking the main subject, why does >>
Why is man so confused while making decisions in life? Why does he lose focus about things that really matter the most? Instead of attacking the main subject, why does >>
What to do when the deed is done? Is there any way by means of which I can be redeemed? These are the questions that I got from some people >>
Dear God, I was wanting to talk to you last week but I had no time then. Wish you were on some chat-app! So today, you are free, I guess. >>
You are a true exception to the rule. So is everybody here. Look at yourself and you will know that there isn't any other DNA matching to yours at all. >>
God, I have a weird question about people who cannot repay karma! You may ask but you should know that it would be tough to hear the answer. Of course, >>
Continuing where I left off in my last article, allow me to recap a little - In order to address all the problems I was facing, I continued to believe >>
Now the question arises in the mind when something happens to us is who has done that-is it me or is someone else involved in the happenings in my life? >>
Man never learns from his mistakes! Why does a man commit sin even after he knows that it is wrong? Can you explain, God? The thrill and escape is too >>
God, I hate him! He is so mean. I don't know why you favor him, God? I am neither favorable nor unfavorable to anyone. I don't interfere anywhere. You are >>
Today I’ve taken a slight detour from my usual writing to cover one of the most important experiences I’ve ever had. Superstitions - which my Krsna Guru so beautifully eradicated >>
One day someone told me that money is a great facilitator. You need money for practically everything, she said. Whether you want to set up a house or a store, >>
What is the difference between a miracle and self help, God, can you explain? Everything that you do in your world which you perform by coercion or force and naturally >>