What Can You Do For Me?
What can you do for me? What are you capable of doing? What kind of knowledge or expertise you have that can bring value to the table? What is so >>
What can you do for me? What are you capable of doing? What kind of knowledge or expertise you have that can bring value to the table? What is so >>
Do we need spiritual knowledge? Why do you need so much useless information today? Look at your Facebook updates and you will see your page filled with so much crap >>
Who am I? I am nobody. I am not a teacher, neither a guru, nor any other. So still you are confused about it? So let me explain. In school >>
There once lived an old monk. He returned back to the city from where he had left forty years ago to take up sanyasa. He went back to the same >>
My Gurudev Shri Dattatreya's birthday was yesterday. I still remember how He gave me His blessings the first time in this body. I was unable to fathom how this divine >>
Aren't we all born different? Can everyone have the same understanding about any subject? When the teacher teaches in the class, does every student understand everything that is taught in >>
Knowledge is inside of you and covering that is the ignorance outside of you!
Any kind of addiction can kill oneself and another too. Many years ago I visited the house of a famous heroine and found her dead drunk. She was going through >>
Friends or acquaintances? You were meeting her after a very long time. It's been years since you has seen her. The last time you had met her was her marriage >>
The nocturnal world is a strange one! There is a different world out there which we just accept it but hardly know much about. It's a world of the ones >>
Knowledge stems from one source and all others quench their thirst there. But if you have the ego in you and feel that you are not being given that, you >>
Why is reporting and disseminating information so important in life? You may assume that you have done your job but if the top boss doesn't know then what is the >>