Purification Of Mind – Teachings In Short
Charity, prescribed duties, observance of major and minor regulative principles, hearing from scripture, pious works and purifying vows all have as their final aim the subduing of the mind. >>
Charity, prescribed duties, observance of major and minor regulative principles, hearing from scripture, pious works and purifying vows all have as their final aim the subduing of the mind. >>
A deluded mind is the root cause of all our problems. For more catch us on Youtube: https://goo.gl/evCwyF #KrsnaKnows #KrsnaGuru #KrsnaTeachings #TeachingsInShort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FCuRIldUAg
Spiritual Pariah is shunned by the society, disowned by family and ill-treated by the world. #KrsnaKnows #KrsnaGuru #KrsnaTeachings #TeachingsInShort For more catch us on Youtube: https://goo.gl/evCwyF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hXhI4cTU1s
Greater than Giver is the One Who Takes For More>> https://goo.gl/evCwyF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4lNKiAqAz0
Self Realization - Know Your Self - Knowledge For More>> https://goo.gl/evCwyF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD2awHNjDAU
Be Your Good Self For More>> https://goo.gl/evCwyF https://youtu.be/2D3jQytIMhs
It has been 8.5 years since I came into Spirituality and became the ardent devotee of Lord Shree Krsna. Right from the very first day I met my KrsnaGuru, it >>
Every one is born to play their part perfectly and depart. For More>> https://goo.gl/evCwyF https://youtu.be/WDraIBzQ5S4
The ignorant people have no clue about this. They react violently, they react to the situation and need not get into that. Just be A Witness https://youtu.be/SIMZe5LAXEI
I was doing a lesson from a scripture with my KrsnaGuru, and suddenly I felt an illumination within myself. It was like a knot that broke up filling my entire >>
Self is not connected to Eight stages of the Body. https://youtu.be/XLw5lziriUk
You come in this world to perform actions. Actions are connected with senses and the mind. You see, hear, touch, feel those objects. Your mind comes into play when the >>