Laziness Rules
From standing in queue to telecalling, push button to hovering and now it's AI, the age of Tamas dawns! Laziness Rules!
From standing in queue to telecalling, push button to hovering and now it's AI, the age of Tamas dawns! Laziness Rules!
Why does man become complacent, lazy, lethargic, inert and weak within himself when he is so much capable of achieving whatever he aims for? Why does man not do things >>
Every day you keep on doing the same old thing in clockwork precision relentlessly. 29 days in a month you don't even care to observe your actions, but suddenly one >>
It's extremely difficult for any normal human being to know whose duty is it, one's own or some others? Lets first know who is responsible for doing that job, you >>
Human beings are a great one to shy away from accepting responsibility. No longer does the person show the same enthusiasm that they did sometime back. No longer do they >>
Don't I deserve a little peace of mind? You have often asked God whether you are deserving or not? You have worked so hard and prayed to The Lord and >>