What To Apply Where In Spiritual!
Sometimes it's very confusing to know what teachings to apply.Even the space and time seems confusing.So lets see where and when we should use our spiritual knowledge. When you live >>
Sometimes it's very confusing to know what teachings to apply.Even the space and time seems confusing.So lets see where and when we should use our spiritual knowledge. When you live >>
Are you afraid of fear? Fear is the primary moving force in this world. Fear drives nations and human beings. Fear rules the land of animals and birds too. The >>
Have you called someone a donkey or a monkey in your life? I am sure you have called others by names of certain animals or birds too. Does it tell >>
The pious are only immersed in God all day long. They may or may not get involved in their day to day mundane life. Some may take up charity or >>
The revelation of truth is momentary and you are otherwise not alert to it. Falsehood remains always and changes every moment with its different hues. Have you noticed an imaginary >>
The power of rejection drives a person either to cower down or to roar like a lion. Those who wish to get bogged down by the idea of rejection feel >>
To play a video game even with your child, you should know about it first. Then you gotta practice it otherwise you may teach wrong rules of the game. Then >>
You have read so many feel good books and autobiographies of great people. You had always wanted to emulate someone in your life. You gathered so much from their stories >>
There was a young athlete who tried very hard to win the race. Every time he neared the winning breast tape, he faltered and dropped speed. He lost out >>
We love words of great people. We love to adorn our walls at home or put them up as quotes on our Facebook page. These are profound or very deep >>
Don't teach me! I know what is right! Whenever you ask someone to do something, that person usually doesn't perform the said task in the specified manner. Especially if it >>
Some people love to do futile deeds and waste their life. There are people who cannot even afford a one dollar haircut and there are those who spend $200-300 just >>