Bruised And Mauled
You have been bruised and mauled too often, through words and action. Someone talking badly or treating you with absolute disdain creates so much of bitterness in us. We believe >>
You have been bruised and mauled too often, through words and action. Someone talking badly or treating you with absolute disdain creates so much of bitterness in us. We believe >>
What is the fairy tale ending of the story today? Did the boy meet the girl and lived happily ever after? Or did they have many children and ruled over >>
You can pay ten thousand and one to carry the palanquin of God when we take it around ceremonially. If you want special prayers for your father, then you pay >>
No one can fathom the weight of The Lord. Not even Satyabhama! She kept on putting more and more gold and jewels, yet the weighing scale didn't tilt! Rukmini told >>
The yo-yo effect that happens in every troubled relationship creates fissures in the fabric and then deeper gashes. Then it's easy for these to graduate to a permanent rift in >>
The nocturnal world is a strange one! There is a different world out there which we just accept it but hardly know much about. It's a world of the ones >>
It is said that love for the divine can be expressed by tears, horripilations, singing, dancing and so on. Right from the times of Krsna till date, everyone who expressed >>
The same stories, parables, analogies and situations are repeated time and again by every sage or The Lord and yet the meaning never percolates down in human beings. Yet the >>
She searched the spice bottle for that ten Rupee note, which she had hidden in case of emergency. Gave that smelly note to her ten year old son to get >>
Do you give some time for God in your entire day? Hardly any or not at all! That will be your answer, I am sure. We find time for every >>
The truth about Maya can never be ascertained by anyone. She is known as the delusory power of The Lord and a potency which is the most elusive. Her working >>
Everyone has an ostrich mentality when they are facing a big issue. Just as the ostrich buries its head in the ground, thinking that the tiger cannot see him, we >>