The Flowers

By |2020-12-26T10:43:52+05:30December 19th, 2016|Teachings|

The flowers arrived every year on the same day. And the gifts too. But I still remember how they came the first time. I received a call early in the >>

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What Went Wrong?

By |2017-11-03T17:24:26+05:30November 10th, 2016|Blogs|

What went wrong? So where did I go wrong? What just happened? This wasn't expected! Everything was going on so perfectly and how did that happen? These are certain questions >>

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Rise and Shine!

By |2016-08-24T07:10:51+05:30August 24th, 2016|Quote Shots|

Do not get demotivated by what you hear, instead listen to that God in you and empower yourself. Be free and stop deriding yourself by hearsay. Love yourself and raise >>

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