Results And Frustrations!
Just as you put in hard work in your material world for achieving some objective, similarly in the spiritual world as well you need to put in lot of efforts. >>
Just as you put in hard work in your material world for achieving some objective, similarly in the spiritual world as well you need to put in lot of efforts. >>
Karma sticks! What use is surrendering to you, God? If the inevitable is anyway going to happen. That's a wonderful observation and I am sure you have your own reasons >>
I wasn't shocked to learn that there are more atheists in the world today than a few years ago. The research conducted suggests that there are 13% atheists today in >>
When you try to understand any spiritual text by some exposition given therein, then you will be lost in translation. The truth is not understood by just some reading, but >>
We have seen how the spirit is unbeatable and can make someone reach for the skies. But what happens before that is never considered important. Before victory is the struggle >>
I work the whole day taking care of my kids and husband and then I wonder where do I find time for taking a peek at spiritual ? I guess >>
The pious are only immersed in God all day long. They may or may not get involved in their day to day mundane life. Some may take up charity or >>
What happens when you leave your Guru? I am often asked what happens to those disciples who leave or fall off from their path in spiritual? Well! Nothing happens. They >>
Group satsangs or individual satsangs are good? Are satsang discussions? Or are they meant to be heard in silence? Or better still attended online or heard or seen offline? Which >>
Why does one need a Guru? At the outset let me tell you that you don't need one. You wonder if that sentence is complete or not. Whether there are >>
As Krsna arrived in my world, the same night I immediately sent a text to my Master asking for his time to meet with him the next day. However he >>
Is that the true Guru and the disciple here? Yesterday, I was told how students from a big university treat their teachers with disrespect and disdain. The teacher pleads with >>