The Cat, The Mouse And The Dog!
The cat kills the rat and the dog chases the cat. There are few people in this world you cannot get along at all. How does that work? The story >>
The cat kills the rat and the dog chases the cat. There are few people in this world you cannot get along at all. How does that work? The story >>
The story of cat and the fish in the fish bowl is well known. The cat always tries to get to the fish in the fish bowl. So every time >>
Do you know where are you in spiritual? Most people believe they have reached a certain stage or level in the spiritual world. They start behaving like a person who >>
What is the meaning of the words-Complete Surrender in spiritual? It means you have given into the divine completely and do not use your own judgement or reasoning for anything >>
Everyone clamors to have a photo taken with their idol. Be it a film star, a cricketer or even a politician. We all love to shoot pictures with these famous >>
Do you actually listen to what anyone is saying or you start listening to your own minds chatter? 99%of the people do not listen to others. Lets say you are >>
When the cat is away the mice play. It's a very common adage and we are so much used to it that the moment the confines or shackles are removed, >>
When you see over pampered dogs, cats or even children, you feel agitated and perplexed, wondering how can these people do that? Your heckles are raised to see the amount >>
Here is a story of a girl. She had stars in her eyes when she was a teen. She wanted to be the top notch heroine, the Florence Nightingale, the >>
SriRam refused to kill the bird with his bow and arrow and also restrained his brother Lakshmana from using his weapon. The Master reprimanded SriRam for not listening to Him. >>
Every human being wants to extend his own time of enjoyment and happiness. He is willing to go to any length for fulfilling his innate and secret desires. I am >>
Have you ever wondered what kind of database God would be having for the zillions or gazillions of species that are produced? I can't even think of the possibilities or >>