Skeptical About God!
We are so skeptical about God and religion. We can teach someone what we know about and not otherwise. We teach our children what we are absolutely sure about and >>
We are so skeptical about God and religion. We can teach someone what we know about and not otherwise. We teach our children what we are absolutely sure about and >>
You have become stone deaf now. When you don't understand a word of what your child says and you get frustrated beyond measures. Sometimes, we all have to go through >>
What is this world coming too? Movies, where they show overt sexuality and strangest relationships. I heard someone say that when they had just seen the latest movie to hit >>
O, what use is social media? The issues raked up by the social media about the glamorous couple bring home the point that we all live in glass houses. Everyone >>
You can look at the furtherest fringes of this universe, create babies from different components like a production assembly, make the fastest computers, create newer elements, program a human mind >>
So where does the buck stop? Does it stop at your upbringing, your past or somewhere else? When you see parents or teachers coaching a child on the finer nuances >>
A man has too many likes and dislikes. He loves something's so dearly and hates others with vengeance. He never seems to get to equanimity of mind. Always swinging from >>
"How to have faith?" "I don't know how to do that since I don't want to go through the conventional methods!"Edwin questioned. I don't know what I am looking for. >>
My Gurudev Shri Dattatreya's birthday was yesterday. I still remember how He gave me His blessings the first time in this body. I was unable to fathom how this divine >>
Ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer. Ask an intelligent question and so do we get an intelligent answer? No way! It's still a stupid answer! Ask anyone >>
Don't judge the Master when He talks the truth, remember the mind will disbelieve. Your judgement is based on false beliefs and understandings. Truth is always bitter and unpalatable. Acceptance >>
There is too much suspicion after truce also. You have just had a terrible fight with someone and have patched up. Now any words that are exchanged by either parties >>