Not Wanting To Do It?

By |2013-10-29T08:13:41+05:30October 29th, 2013|Blogs|

So what is it that makes you not want to do it? Is it laziness, inertia, physical or mental disabilities or the universe itself not allowing you to do anything >>

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Waste Time Over Indecision!

By |2013-10-29T04:27:16+05:30October 27th, 2013|Blogs|

It's easy to waste time over frivolities and indecision! Extremely tough to decide on issues when you are attuned to deriding time. Decision makers are winners. Indecisive people do not >>

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The Mind Wags The Tongue!

By |2013-10-26T21:23:55+05:30October 26th, 2013|Teachings|

The mind wags the tongue! When the legs work, the hands support it. When hands work, legs support them. But when the tongue interferes the hands and legs slow down. >>

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Man And Mind.

By |2013-10-23T19:49:03+05:30October 20th, 2013|Teachings|

The same stories, parables, analogies and situations are repeated time and again by every sage or The Lord and yet the meaning never percolates down in human beings. Yet the >>

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The Closed Door!

By |2013-10-18T23:47:17+05:30October 18th, 2013|Blogs|

The closed door of the place of worship sends you back. You are disappointed and feel that maybe God doesn't want to see you that day. You are disappointed with >>

Questions In Spiritual?

By |2013-10-18T23:29:48+05:30October 17th, 2013|Blogs|

We all have certain questions in spiritual which we don't know where we could get answers from. They may sound very silly or downright provocative, yet there isn't any Google >>

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Where Are You In Spiritual?

By |2013-10-18T21:58:55+05:30October 16th, 2013|Teachings|

Do you know where are you in spiritual? Most people believe they have reached a certain stage or level in the spiritual world. They start behaving like a person who >>

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Two Sides To A Coin!

By |2013-10-15T08:10:20+05:30October 15th, 2013|Blogs|

There are always two sides to a coin. We are always used to listening to one and getting biased. We do not have any idea about the other. Our judgement >>

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Jumping To Conclusions

By |2013-10-09T08:55:14+05:30October 8th, 2013|Blogs|

The mind has the uncanny habit of jumping to conclusions. The speed at which we arrive at any conclusions is unimaginable. Let's say if you ask me how was the >>

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Focus On That One Thing!

By |2013-10-07T21:46:17+05:30October 7th, 2013|Blogs|

So how do you focus on that one thing you wish to have? It's impossible to keep your mind on one object when there are too many other things distracting >>

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Complete Surrender In Spiritual!

By |2015-01-20T11:05:48+05:30October 5th, 2013|Blogs|

What is the meaning of the words-Complete Surrender in spiritual? It means you have given into the divine completely and do not use your own judgement or reasoning for anything >>

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When Others Criticize You!

By |2013-10-03T21:49:19+05:30October 3rd, 2013|Teachings|

When others criticize you with their tongues, they bring out the dirt and gunk of their minds. You get purified by their tirades. Saibaba (chap19)showed once a sow eating crap >>

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