Do We Need Spiritual Knowledge?

By |2014-12-08T11:05:21+05:30May 20th, 2014|Blogs|

Do we need spiritual knowledge? Why do you need so much useless information today? Look at your Facebook updates and you will see your page filled with so much crap >>

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God And Corruption.

By |2014-12-08T11:27:27+05:30May 19th, 2014|Blogs|

Why doesn't God destroy corruption completely? Can you eradicate corruption with spiritual? Can you remove cold from your body completely? I am talking about your running nose, cough, phlegm, etc.. >>

What Is Likable?

By |2014-12-08T12:46:05+05:30May 10th, 2014|Blogs|

What is likable? In whatever they do, the kids follow their parents or guardians and the same tract is visible later too, in lesser intensity. As they grow up, they >>

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What Purpose Is This Life?

By |2014-12-10T11:05:41+05:30May 6th, 2014|Blogs|

What purpose is this life? We are all so sensitive to some words. Imagine someone calling us fat or dark can upset our entire life. Or when people say that >>

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Three States

By |2014-12-11T11:44:22+05:30April 19th, 2014|Blogs|

What are the three states of human beings delusion? It's easy for someone to say that I have given up the luxury of life to come into spiritual but have >>

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Doubts In Your Guru?

By |2014-04-21T23:10:04+05:30April 7th, 2014|Teachings|

What are doubts in your Guru like? Can you talk about trust or faith when you have doubts? Plain Suspicion or deceit alone can destroy human relationships. Doubts or suspicion >>

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Happy Birthday!

By |2014-12-11T11:46:50+05:30April 5th, 2014|Blogs|

Why do I need to wish this body a Happy Birthday? I have to with love. Thank you, Suresh for this body. Here is wishing you a very very happy >>

At Dead End!

By |2014-12-15T15:06:53+05:30April 1st, 2014|Blogs|

What happens when you are at dead end and there is nowhere to go? You are neither a Superman, nor a Spider-Man! Why do you say you have nothing to >>

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Binding Contract

By |2014-12-15T17:16:55+05:30March 27th, 2014|Blogs|

When can I get out of this binding contract? You have always felt very uneasy with all kinds of contracts in life. Be it an employment or life, marriage or >>

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Everything Is Preordained!

By |2014-12-15T17:38:08+05:30March 26th, 2014|Blogs|

If everything is preordained in this world, then all that happens was premeditated and nothing happens spontaneously! So who can say that they are responsible for anything at all? So >>

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Two Fruits

By |2014-12-15T18:11:34+05:30March 25th, 2014|Blogs|

       When you take two fruits, say jackfruit and mango,can you tell the difference between them? You will say, yes, I can! Both are different. Then you will >>

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