Eternal Optimist
What happened to that eternal optimist in you? Do you recollect doing silly, stupid, good and strange stuff during childhood or your youth? Now tell me, why are you not >>
What happened to that eternal optimist in you? Do you recollect doing silly, stupid, good and strange stuff during childhood or your youth? Now tell me, why are you not >>
What is the least and highest amount to feed you? The lowest is none since you can get free food anywhere like the birds. The highest is infinite. No amount >>
Check your wardrobe or cupboard and you will smarten! Go ahead open it! Look inside and you will be shocked beyond your wits to what you have been hoarding. Let's >>
I heard this words everyday- I worry for you a lot! Now you too have said them so many times. It may be for your children or your pets too. >>
Nirlajyam sadha Sukhi is a saying I has heard when I was a kid. I never could fathom what it meant till the last few years. I met a young >>
Any kind of addiction can kill oneself and another too. Many years ago I visited the house of a famous heroine and found her dead drunk. She was going through >>
You wish your life car could run without the need for wheels of money!
How many days can you have a wedding? How much festivity can a person take in? How many drinks can you gulp down? How much sex can you enjoy? How >>
Friends or acquaintances? You were meeting her after a very long time. It's been years since you has seen her. The last time you had met her was her marriage >>
Why is reporting and disseminating information so important in life? You may assume that you have done your job but if the top boss doesn't know then what is the >>
To write an application earlier by hand costs ink, one loose page and brains. But today it needs a computer and printer, Google, format, softwares, methods, time, money, effort, technology, >>
The place of worship is full of beggars inside and outside. Have you noticed that? The ones outside ask for money in small quantity and sit with a small begging >>