Teach Yourself First Before You Become the Messiah!
A normal human being wonders why do these fanatics talk so much about God and thrust Him down the throat of everyone who is not keen to know so much! >>
A normal human being wonders why do these fanatics talk so much about God and thrust Him down the throat of everyone who is not keen to know so much! >>
God, you are responsible for giving me successes in my endeavors. Oh! Why am I responsible for your issues? Aren't you called the Father and Mother? You are supposed to >>
Why is it important to know you, dear God? Is it necessary? No, it ain't necessary for you or anyone to know me. Then why are we told to follow >>
God, why do we have to do idol worship and pray to some images? You don't have to do that. You can as well do it in your mind. I >>
There are too many gods out there. Why do all these religions have so many gods to contend with? In some other place they say there is only one God. >>
Continuing where I left off in my last article, allow me to recap a little - In order to address all the problems I was facing, I continued to believe >>
In the December of 2009 my Master and I planned our first international destination visit to Singapore where his very first student is based out of. The whole program >>
What is the measure of your devotion? Wonder what kind of a funny question this is? No! You truly have your devotion measured out for you. You have seen people >>
Is it about not having faith or having less of it, that gives others lesser marks and no seat? This question came up when someone told me that they have >>
God, I pray to thee, please make my child alright. She is unwell for the last three days having loose motions. Please God, give her good health. Did you drop >>
I want to ask you what is the truth? Tell me Dear Lord! I am not sure what you are asking for so please specify. You know how it is, >>
Good morning, God. How are you today? Look who is here! It has been a long time since I had seen you. Hope all is well. Sure. Everything is fine. >>