Karma Sticks!
Karma sticks! What use is surrendering to you, God? If the inevitable is anyway going to happen. That's a wonderful observation and I am sure you have your own reasons >>
Karma sticks! What use is surrendering to you, God? If the inevitable is anyway going to happen. That's a wonderful observation and I am sure you have your own reasons >>
It's extremely difficult for any normal human being to know whose duty is it, one's own or some others? Lets first know who is responsible for doing that job, you >>
Sometimes it's very confusing to know what teachings to apply.Even the space and time seems confusing.So lets see where and when we should use our spiritual knowledge. When you live >>
The secret of success in material world is to have thought constructs or vikalpa. Lay firm foundation or sankalpa and then go after your set goals and you will achieve >>
Who am I? I am nobody. I am not a teacher, neither a guru, nor any other. So still you are confused about it? So let me explain. In school >>
St. Valentine's day is celebrated with gifts and words, hugs and kisses and on the other side by protests and boycotts. Why are these days controversial, just like the books >>
"I would like to thank you for helping me help you." These words sound strange but this is how sages and wise people think. You see if you help someone, >>