Serve in silence
Sometimes humility is misjudged as subservience and silence as defeat. The wise sage works that way. Not drawing attention to themselves, yet serving others without any ulterior motive. They do >>
Sometimes humility is misjudged as subservience and silence as defeat. The wise sage works that way. Not drawing attention to themselves, yet serving others without any ulterior motive. They do >>
Krsnaji teaches the highest Love. Guruji's lesson was about Love and how it binds one to the world. If your Love is confined to only those few you select or >>
On the occasion of this Teachers Day, September 5th 2016, I want to begin by wishing all Teachers a very Happy Teachers Day. Over the last seven years in my >>
Are you programmed to fail? The success rate is very low in everything from gambling to life. Hardly anyone wins there. Why are we always failing in life? There is >>
To have faith in God is one thing but to work towards it is another. Having faith in God doesn't mean to leave everything for Him to do. It means >>
You expect immaculate and absolutely perfect services rendered to you when you pay for them! So you believe the waiter, the masseur, the taxi driver, restaurant, transporter, hotel, etc. to >>
The pious are only immersed in God all day long. They may or may not get involved in their day to day mundane life. Some may take up charity or >>
Creating content is a go to word in the Internet world. Every website, advert or even the humble handouts needs the right content for someone to sell his product or >>