Do You Have Faith in the Divine?
Spiritual Master Shree KrsnaGuru Ji teaches that one has to see the essence of the Divine within oneself and within others. It is easy to see a kind, gracious and >>
Spiritual Master Shree KrsnaGuru Ji teaches that one has to see the essence of the Divine within oneself and within others. It is easy to see a kind, gracious and >> In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “What should one give up to be in Spiritual?” For more subscribe to >>
In this episode, our Master KsnaGuru continues to guide deeper through the Book of Karma a series of Spiritual Quest. Why are you lucky or unlucky? Why do others >>
KrsnaGuru teaches that God is within me and outside me. "You are that Divine Eternal Being,” my understanding is that we are all that One.
As I was falling, there were many branches extending outward. Branches of Tantra, Hatha, and Advaita, but they did not belong to me.
KrsnaGuru’s lessons outwardly seem to be simple worldly life lessons, but the lessons are much deeper and profound. KrsnaKnows gave a lesson on what seemed on the surface to be >>
KrsnaGuru teaches that it is the mind that keeps us apart from God. How powerful is the mind? Take a moment to select any one object of focus, and now >>
KrsnaKnows teaches to become spiritually perfect one must have control of their mind. Time and again Guruji let me know that spiritual growth requires a controlled mind and through sadhana >>
KrsnaGuru teaches we are always Free. Much of my blog writings are directly from the Spiritual lessons learned from my dear Guruji. The lessons are ideal. The daily living of >>
KrsnaKnows teaches that thoughts, especially negative thoughts are the demons that move us away from our path. First, here is my understanding of Guruji’s lesson: There are so many thoughts, >>
No being can grant or take away what has always been Without a beginning and without end. There is no race, no competition, no win and no loss. Reprimands, beatings, >>
KrsnaGuruji teaches: the Guru is empowered to decide whom he can shower his grace on. One comes to this life with a lot of unavoidable karma. But what if that >>