Who does it?

    By |2016-03-21T16:42:13+05:30March 19th, 2016|Blogs|

    Now the question arises in the mind when something happens to us is who has done that-is it me or is someone else involved in the happenings in my life? >>

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      Value Of Time

      By |2020-12-26T10:41:26+05:30March 7th, 2016|Blogs|

      What is the value of time? Is time something that we can while away? Can time stand still like the poets say? Are scientists able to bend or manipulate time? >>

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        Right Tool

        By |2016-02-20T20:29:35+05:30February 16th, 2016|Quote Shots|

        Every God has a choice weapon. Vishnu has Sudarshan, Narsimha has nails, Parshuram has Axe and it is the perfect foil or weapon of God! These weapons perform the perfect >>

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          Attention Span

          By |2019-06-21T09:40:19+05:30January 20th, 2016|Blogs|

          Your attention span for any subject is just a few seconds. Your focus lasts for just some moments. So why does that happen? Why do people not pay attention to >>

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