Teach Yourself First Before You Become the Messiah!
A normal human being wonders why do these fanatics talk so much about God and thrust Him down the throat of everyone who is not keen to know so much! >>
A normal human being wonders why do these fanatics talk so much about God and thrust Him down the throat of everyone who is not keen to know so much! >>
What happens to those who leave their Gurus and go away without completing their training? Firstly, it isn't the disciples prerogative to join the Guru but it is the other >>
What is the difference between destiny and opportunity? As we all understand that destiny is programmed happening. Opportunity is that which comes before us to do something else. So the >>
Have you met failures in life? You will surely tell me that you have and it had been the toughest time of your life to get over them. To start >>
We have seen how the spirit is unbeatable and can make someone reach for the skies. But what happens before that is never considered important. Before victory is the struggle >>
The pious are only immersed in God all day long. They may or may not get involved in their day to day mundane life. Some may take up charity or >>
To play a video game even with your child, you should know about it first. Then you gotta practice it otherwise you may teach wrong rules of the game. Then >>
Don't teach me! I know what is right! Whenever you ask someone to do something, that person usually doesn't perform the said task in the specified manner. Especially if it >>
What is unconditional love? You have heard men and women profess unconditional love for each other, but is that unconditional love? If it is based on unnatural desires and piles >>
Why don't they listen? You keep on telling them and still they never listen. It's no use talking you say, because any which way no one will listen. So why >>