Run Away Somewhere
I want to run away somewhere. I want to retire now. I have worked all my life and I need to take the back seat and put my legs up. >>
I want to run away somewhere. I want to retire now. I have worked all my life and I need to take the back seat and put my legs up. >>
I want to travel the world over, God, give me the wherewithal to do so! Another travel bug hit person coming up! I am tired of you guys! But I >>
I want to travel! Dear God, why can I not travel like others? Of course, you can. Why don't you? I see everybody likes to travel and I am so >>
No one retires peacefully, everyone retire hurt! Two years from now every person of my age group would be retiring and putting up his legs to relax. So what have >>
I want to retire happily and put my feet up and relax for the remaining part of my life. Every human being thinks this way about the later half of >>