What Are Valued Opinions?

By |2019-09-12T14:04:18+05:30May 20th, 2014|Blogs|

What are valued opinions? Why this indecision? Why can we not decide anything? Why does it matter what others say to us? Is their opinion so much important to us? >>

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God And Corruption.

By |2014-12-08T11:27:27+05:30May 19th, 2014|Blogs|

Why doesn't God destroy corruption completely? Can you eradicate corruption with spiritual? Can you remove cold from your body completely? I am talking about your running nose, cough, phlegm, etc.. >>

Everything Is Preordained!

By |2014-12-15T17:38:08+05:30March 26th, 2014|Blogs|

If everything is preordained in this world, then all that happens was premeditated and nothing happens spontaneously! So who can say that they are responsible for anything at all? So >>

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Trend Begins

By |2014-03-06T07:51:46+05:30March 5th, 2014|Parabolic Parables|

How does the trend begin? He had five pairs of shoes. He wore one pair per day to work. He was always immaculately dressed. A matching top and bottom too. >>

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This World Is Unfair!

By |2020-12-26T10:31:11+05:30March 2nd, 2014|Blogs|

This world is unfair! The anger you feel when someone else gets the limelight or someone else get praised, when you are the one who has done all the work >>

Developing Cold Feet?

By |2015-01-23T10:20:55+05:30February 10th, 2014|Blogs|

Why are people developing cold feet after they are offered solutions or opportunities for participation? What makes a person run away or shut themselves up when they can rise above >>

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Shit Happens!

By |2020-12-26T10:31:02+05:30February 3rd, 2014|Blogs|

Like they say in the world today,"shit happens!" What happens if you believe that the one person whom you had trusted to handle a situation, botches it up? Your entire >>

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Look The Furtherest.

By |2020-12-26T10:35:49+05:30January 17th, 2014|Teachings|

You can look at the furtherest fringes of this universe, create babies from different components like a production assembly, make the fastest computers, create newer elements, program a human mind >>

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